Benefits of Best Lemongrass Essential Oil in Agriculture Sector.!!

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Lemongrass essential oil has a strong, refreshing aroma that is most effective at repelling insects and mites without harming the environment.

For centuries, essential oils like Lemongrass have been trusted to provide health and beauty benefits. The organic lemongrasses' strong scent is both refreshing as well calming for those who experience stress or anxiety during their day. Choosing the right lemongrass essential oil can be overwhelming.

Increasing Demand of Lemongrass Essential Oil in Agriculture across the World

There has been a huge demand for Lemongrass essential oils in the agriculture sector due to their toxicological effects on pests. The increased awareness about these harmful synthetic additives present among chemical-based insecticides and pesticides, especially with regards to our environment's safety, is leading people more interested than ever before!

Lemongrass essential oil is a natural yet highly effective deterrent for pets and insects in the agro-farming sector. Its most popular use today ensures that our stored food crops, such as maize etc., are free of pests!

What is the Scientific Composition of Lemongrass Oil

Lemongrass is an aromatic herb that has been used for centuries in Asia to flavour food and beverages. The tall, annual grass grows well all across India as well other tropical regions with its citrusy aroma being recognized globally by many people who enjoy this tasty treat!

The Cymbopogon genre includes 55 types of grasses, from which two are classified as Lemongrass.

  • Cymbopogon Citratus (West Indian Lemongrass) popularly used for culinary purposes.
  • Cymbopogon Flexuosus (East Indian Lemongrass) used in various manufacturing units, especially as fragrance because it yields some amount of myrcene.

Lemongrass Oil is blend of following compounds:

Geraniol, Limonene, Myrcene, Dipentene, Citral, Citronella, Farnesol, Geranyl Acetate, and Terpineol.

How is the Composition of Lemongrass Oil Useful for Protecting Crops and Plants?

  • Geraniol : The chemicals used as a botanical fungicide can be harmful to plants and have been replaced by synthetic ones that are even worse for our environment.
  • Citral: Lemongrass oil has an effective antimicrobial property which helps to suppress or kill bacterial and fungal growth. Citral, a natural citrus flavour component in lemongrass leaves is what gives it this strong ability against microbes!
  • Acetate: Lemongrass essential oil is the most active ingredient present in lemongrasses, and it's used as an attractant for yellow jackets with traps.
  • Limonene : Limonene, an active ingredient found in many plants and herbs is known to be highly effective against insects like termites or mealy bugs.
  • Terpineol : The antibacterial property of this product makes it a great insect attractant for Mediterranean sand flies, especially female ones. 

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